
Get to know ISCTH

Let's make global peace happen.

Many people all around the world have the genuine intention to do good for humanity. To manifest such good intentions and put them into action, a platform is essential. This is why ISCTH was founded.

The Board

Mitra Parn
Founding Member

Mitra Parn, the Founder and Board Member of ISCTH, is a direct disciple of Maitreya Dadashreeji, a Transformation Pioneer, Global Humanitarian, Medical Doctor, and Founder-Visionary for MaitriBodh Parivaar. Since 2000, Mitra Parn has lived under His direct guidance, serving as a Global Transformational Speaker, Youth Mentor, Writer, and Spiritual Guide. Inspired by the teachings and vision of Maitreya Dadashreeji, Mitra Parn has chosen a life of selfless service towards humanity, tirelessly spreading the message of love and peace in every corner of the world. With great sincerity, he shares his life experiences and practical wisdom to help others grow and reach their true purpose and fullest potential.

Kaivalya Kashyap

The Founder and President of ISCTH is Co-Founder of the International Academy of Transformative Leadership, CEO of the MaitriBodh Parivaar GmbH, as well as the President of the charitable organization MaitriBodh Peace Services in Switzerland, Germany, and Austria. Kaivalya was a successful Swiss businessman before leaving the traditional business world in 2013 and going on a quest. He embarked on an unusual path – guided by his mentor Maitreya Dadashreeji. Today, he inspires leaders across the globe to serve through selfless action with permanent and extraordinary results benefiting all. Transformation of the workplace and the corporate culture has been the main area of his work in the past years.


ISCTH operates within a culture of experiential action. We practice what we preach. Individually, we embody our values by pursuing inner peace and embracing transformation. To us, transformation is an internal process that guides all our interactions. Wholeheartedly, we are committed to take actions contributing to the sustainable development of our team, the organization, and the evolving community we are honored to serve.

Iris Wellmann

Dedicated to grow peace with love, Iris is an integral member of the first hour. With year-long experience working with and for non-profit organisations, she oversees the operations in ISCTH. Iris's overarching vision is to unite individuals and communities in pursuit of both inner and global peace.

Sophia Würtz

Fascinated by the power of the invisible and the interconnectedness of all, Sophia is passionate about the consciousness of humanity and inspired by nature. Within ISCTH, she dedicates her energy to communications, integrating her multidisciplinary background and evolving life experiences. Committed and grateful for her personal path of transformation, Sophia believes that cultivating honest forms of expression, as well as inner clarity and peace are essential components for (re-)establishing universal harmony.

Anita Stix

Anita has been working for peace in this world since she first saw the light of day. Initially, she wanted to save the world through her love of literature and language. Then through dance and riding the waves of music. Until she realized that the only key to peace in this world is reconnecting with one's own natural state. At ISCTH, she contributes with what she does best: Coordinating events and a lot of troubleshooting.

Dunja Loitsch

In Dunja’s perspective, society has a shared responsibility. When individuals strive to achieve inner peace, they actively contribute to a more peaceful environment. This implies that each person can make a contribution through personal development and positive actions. Dunja is grateful to be part of the ISCTH team.

Ira Lauren

Ira was born in Salzburg and spent her childhood and youth in Cairo.  She is a trained opera singer, yoga teacher and recently founded a peace choir. She firmly believes that music has the unique ability to bring people of different backgrounds, cultures and beliefs together. It speaks a universal language that can convey emotions and messages across borders.

Quentin Müller

As an entrepreneur and marketing enthusiast, he is passionate about making the world truly experience and connect with the impactful work and vision of ISCTH through its media and online presence. Inspiring people to actively join the movement, Quentin is contributing in amplifying the reach and impact of ISCTH's initiatives.

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